Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hey everybody :)

Summer has been going GREAT! i love not having any stress..i have just been hanging out and trying to do as much as i can to make some sweet memories. I have started watching the first season of lost with my friends. Im really getting into it. My friends and i also found a construction house that the workers forgot to lock.. they actually left the door wide open. So naturally we went in to explore. We decided to give the workers a present and we heart attacked the windows and wrote them nice notes. We then locked the door on our way out so that no teenagers would be able to get in and do something bad ;)
I was able to take a group of freinds ( brendon, cassidy, jocy, mark and court) out to the boat with me and dad the other day. we were the only ones on the lake! I have never been on such crazy tube rides. Dad has definitly gotten better at them! watch out! they are deathly ;) but sooooo great :)
um.. what else have i been doing..
oh right.. i just got home from girls camp. that was super fun.. but it was so differnt than any camp ive ever been on before. We wen backpacking around a lake and camped over night. nothing else was planned so we just got to hang out. can you belive that that was my fourth young womans camp! once the fall comes i will be the oldest laurel!
i leave on friday for EFY! i cant wait! we are going to be staying at carlys cousins house, and on that saterday before efy, there is a big party so we can meet a ton of kids from provo..
im really excited to see all of you guys.. i will be down there for three weeks.. so you better get used to me again :)

ps.. these pictures are just some i took off my camera. hope you enjoy.. some are pretty old...


  1. I love the photos. One thing I really admire about you is how much fun you are able to have--how much you enjoy life. I hope your life continues to be a wonderful ADVENTURE.
    Love, Mom

  2. Hahahahahhahah that is SO funny that you guys heart attacked the construction house, I was almost peeing my pants when I read it.
    I loved reading your post, you do have so much fun!
    We need to have a girls night soon, I can't believe your gonna be gone for so long this summer! Have fun in Waterton!! :)

  3. those are some pretty sweet band costumes you've got there :) I wore those same ones!
