Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hey everybody :)

Summer has been going GREAT! i love not having any stress..i have just been hanging out and trying to do as much as i can to make some sweet memories. I have started watching the first season of lost with my friends. Im really getting into it. My friends and i also found a construction house that the workers forgot to lock.. they actually left the door wide open. So naturally we went in to explore. We decided to give the workers a present and we heart attacked the windows and wrote them nice notes. We then locked the door on our way out so that no teenagers would be able to get in and do something bad ;)
I was able to take a group of freinds ( brendon, cassidy, jocy, mark and court) out to the boat with me and dad the other day. we were the only ones on the lake! I have never been on such crazy tube rides. Dad has definitly gotten better at them! watch out! they are deathly ;) but sooooo great :)
um.. what else have i been doing..
oh right.. i just got home from girls camp. that was super fun.. but it was so differnt than any camp ive ever been on before. We wen backpacking around a lake and camped over night. nothing else was planned so we just got to hang out. can you belive that that was my fourth young womans camp! once the fall comes i will be the oldest laurel!
i leave on friday for EFY! i cant wait! we are going to be staying at carlys cousins house, and on that saterday before efy, there is a big party so we can meet a ton of kids from provo..
im really excited to see all of you guys.. i will be down there for three weeks.. so you better get used to me again :)

ps.. these pictures are just some i took off my camera. hope you enjoy.. some are pretty old...

Sunday, June 28, 2009

ps.. none of my pictures are on the computer. i have a ton i wanna blog. so one day ill just put a ton on.. 
but if your wanting to see pictures of summer or pretty much anything i do.. go look on facebook. that is pretty good about being updated. :)

life lately

wow.. :) its been a long, long time since I've blogged. I'm needing to get into the habit, but until then you guys might have to put up with my irregular updates...

my other grad was really fun to, just very different! the decorations were a lot more formal and since i knew everybody it was fun to go vist around. Me and Dj sat with his friends Kelly and Matt. I got to be really good friends with Kelly that night. When i was sitting at our table a guy named troy ( i didnt know that at the time) came up to me and was like KATI ANNE! YOUR HERE!! dude.. your soo sick at rugby! .. so yeah.. that was great :) and then at the dance ( after i danced with Dj of course) i danced with this babe named jamie phof.. it was great :) haha
Dj is really good friends with alot of the popular boys. so at the dance it was me surrounded by all of the "hot table" boys.. all of their dates werent there for some reason. so yeah the dance was probably my favourite part of that night!
after that Dj went over to his dads to spend sometime with his sister and his step dad since they couldnt make it to grad. I went over to Jordan steels for the mormon after grad. There was a dance tent set up with a Dj and a big bouncy castle. If you look on my facebook there are some pictures of it. after that cassidy, jocy, carly, kelsea and i went over to cassidys. We climbed onto her roof to watch the sun rise. It was a really fun night :)

so yeah that was my update on grad.. but now i will talk about things that have been a little more recent..
we lost our final game in rugby. we had gone the whole season undefeated and then we lost. it was a mess. it was raining, cold, hailing and alomst all of our starters were either sick or hurt. it still makes me so angry to think about. oh well.. we will have it next year hopefully.

exams went pretty good. I got a 92 on my bio exam.. that was 10 percent higher than anyone, so i was very pleased with my mark. i dont know any of my other marks, but ill find out tomorrow. 

I decided what i want to do with my life.. which is always a good thing :)
i want to major in zoology and then be a rehibilator for a zoo. I would work with the elephants and gorillas and stuff to help them if they are ever sick. or just train them to slimiate being in the wild. sooo cool i think.. i discovered that by going to the zoo with jana and caden.

 so yeah life is GREAT right now! no school. no exams and all just all day to play!!
here are some of the things i have done in my first week of summer

- swimming at the wave pool
- going to a ward party
- playing ultimate frisbee with a HUGE group of friends
-silver springs pool
-mud fight
-the zoo 
-boating ( 3 times)
- modle pictures with carly and jocy
-going to transformers
- walking to co op with mom, jana and caden
-go karting with some kids from the south stake( they are who  i am hanging out with now days)
-dance party at serenas
-bbq with family
-roasting hotdogs with family
-basketball with some kids from junior high
-church dance
-peters after the dance where we made our own dance party :)

thats pretty much it..crazy how much ive done so far.. its been the sickest summer! im excited to come vist lots of you! love ya lots.. and ill try to update more that i have no stress in my life.. WAHOOOO :) I LOVEEEEE SUMMER!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Hey everybody.
So i've decided to update my blog every sunday, since sundays are the the only day i really any free time. 

I had my first Grad this week. It was AMAZING! so much fun! Mark picked me up around 3 and we went to the south to take some pictures with his friends. I was so glad to figure out the couple that we were doubling with, i was really good friends with the girl. We got to the grad at like 5 and were able to walk around and vist with people. There were so many crazy styles of dresses. I loved just watching people. The decorations were crazy! there were poeple on slilts walkinga round and the place was all colorul, there were couches and it looked just so cool. 
When we got there i found out that Mark was the MC for the grad. He didnt know what he was saying so he just got up there and " wong" or "wingged" it.. haha however you say it. It really impressed me he could do that. lol i would of been so nervous. He had to say the grace and everything. 
After the dinner, the dance started. At Centential there are alot of mormons, so we stuck with kids from his stake and had a relaly fun time at the dance. We headed out at like 10 though to go the the dry after grad at the stake. There were big bouncy castles, jousting thing, Bungi running things, glow in the dark dogeball, food, pinatats.. and a ton more! we stayed there untill like 2 in the morning. We then got all the kids that were there to go outside and play games. We played all sorts and it was super fun. When it got kinda cold, we went back inside and played mafia untill 5 in the morning. Then the four of us ( courtny, court, mark and me) went to matts house and ate all of his food. then we went to courts house and hung around there before we went back to the stake centre to have breakfast. 
Dad picked me up at the stake centre so that i could go to school. Everybody else went up to edmonton ( im so sad i didnt go!!) but i had to be at school. So when i got there i had fitness testing in gym. I pretty much died! i feel asleep lots in my classes.
Since i had another date that night i didnt get to sleep untill like 11 that next night.
It was soo great :)
and i fit in my dress.. i lost a total of 9 pounds :)

We got some good pictures, but none of them are on the computer right now. ill put them on as soon as possible :)

We won our first play off game.. our next one is on wednesay. Its agasint a pretty good team.. so im kinda nervous for it! wish us luck!!

I just cant wait untill school is done. im so stressed with it. just another couple weeks and then im done.. hopefully i dont have a heart attack before :) this weekend will be fun tho.. its only a three day week, then i have grad on thursday, temple trip on friday, date on saterday and then if we win our game. finals on monday.. 

but im going to start to study for bio again. i have a unit exam tomorrow. Bye everybody.. love ya!

Sunday, May 24, 2009


So I have finally set up a blog! Sorry it has taken me so long :)

As you guys probably know, my grads are coming up. My first one is on thursday! It is crazy how fast this year has gone by. The guy that is taking me is named Mark. He is the most outgoing crazy guy i have ever met. Its going to take a lot of energy to keep up all night :) My next one is on june 4th and I'm going with Dj. He is also way outgoing and we are going to take the bus. a little unusual but its going to be really fun! I'm excited to put up my pictures for you guys to see.  Mom has a lot of fun spoiling me with these grads. Im getting my hair done from michelle lyons so hopefully it will look good. My dress is a knee length blue ( yes.. dad sent the wrong picture! haha) and luckily the sleeves look very natural. The only problem with this dress is the fact that i can hardly fit into it. I have stopped eating my deserts and snacking. I have lost 7 pounds so far and am about to do a clense to help me breath a little better in it! haha David said I should of just gotten a bigger dress. When I see the deserts mom has been making i kinda agree :)

Rugby is going great. We are undefeated and are about to enter the playoffs in first place. We are hopefully going to get first place but lets cross our fingers that we play good. In the last two games I've scored my first two tries of the season. I was really proud of myself, and my team said that when I came up I had the biggest smile on my face. Next time ill make sure to make it look like i get them all the time :) 
OH! the craziest thing happened in my turny on friday!! A girl on my team was running with the ball and got tackled and hit her head. She got knocked unconcious and then started having a siezure! The ambulence had to come and it was really scary playing after that!
Dont worry :) I only have bruises :)

Im going to go, but ill try and keep this updated as much as i can!